2013 GDG Semarang Highlights
Posted By: GDG Semarang On Monday, March 10, 2014
1. Google I/O Extended Semarang
Mei 16, Telkomsel Grapari, 50 Attendees
2. GDG Semarang Meetup #1 : "Introduction GDG Semarang"
July 28, Dian Nuswantoro University, 20 Attendees
more photos:
A meetup for developers. designers and technologists interested in new technologies from Google and beyond.
3. GDG DevFest Semarang 2013
October 19, Indosat Semarang, 280 Attendees
more photos: https://plus.google.com/b/107095076091983603214/events/gallery/c0inprbr3nva904eqemm4nd0gu4?authkey=CMmnsoOKyY6KCA
DevFest are community-organized events that provides the opportunity for developers to learn about Google Technologies and developer products.
4. GDG Semarang Meetup #2 : "Google Cloud Developer Challenge"
November 17, Dian Nuswantoro University, 92 Attendees
more photos: https://plus.google.com/b/107095076091983603214/photos/107095076091983603214/albums/5947507210306678561
A meetup for developers. designers and technologists interested in new technologies from Google and beyond. Topic of this meetup is "Google Cloud Developer Challenge".
5. GDG Semarang Meetup #3 : "The Spirit of Collaboration"
Februari 6, KY Kopi, 82 Attendees
A meetup for developers. designers and technologists interested in new technologies from Google and beyond. Topic of this meetup is "The Spirit of Collaboration".
6. Dart Flight School Semarang
Februari 28, Dian Nuswantoro University,10 Attendees
Developer communities around the world are hosting Dart Flight School events during the month of February 2014.